Precaution for Salat:
These timings are based on calculations; Please make sure to add 5 minutes for Fajr as a precautionary measure.
Mandatory Precaution for Fasting:
This Fajr prayer timing is based on the calculation method of Leva Research Institute in Qom. Because there are several other methods to calculate the Fajr timing, it is very important to note that the timing of Imsak here is to ensure that momineen will start fasting before the beginning of the Fajr of other methods of calculation. It is the responsibility of the momineen to take the necessary precaution - especially in this case where there are different calculation methods - to ensure they fast prior to the Imsak timing and pray after Fajr begins.
There is a fee that masjid pays for each transaction
( Amount donated x 2.2% ) + $0.30
( $100 x 2.2% ) + $.30 = $2.50 fee
If you donate $100.00 masjid receive $97.50 net
There is a fee that masjid pays for each transaction
( Amount donated x 2.2% ) + $0.30
( $100 x 2.2% ) + $.30 = $2.50 fee
If you donate $100.00 masjid receive $97.50 net
Assalamo Alaikum
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